Scripture: For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 28:11
I watched with unbelief as the flood waters rose in Nashville over the weekend and middle Tennessee received over a foot of rain in some places. The record amounts of rainfall sent creeks over roadways and shut down more than 50 roads in the Metro Nashville area. A flood indeed!
It is so hard during a natural disaster of such magnitude to see that God is in control. It is easy to second guess His provision for your life and wonder why it would be some many people’s fate to suffer such a devastating loss. I hope you will consider thinking differently about suffering and the mercy of God.
There were literally thousands of people who called on God to help them that may not have otherwise stopped to acknowledge God on Saturday. Many times it takes something devastating for us to stop relying on ourselves and start relying on God. We have limited control of most every situation, but we like to exercise that independence. That is, until we feel that the situation is well beyond our control.
God does not desire to harm us. His desire is for a relationship with us. He will use any means possible to bring about that in our lives. His desire is that we turn to Him first in every situation. The things that Satan intends to destroy us, God hopes will drive us into His everlasting arms.
I am certain God’s mercy was as powerful a force as the rising water was in TN. No doubt there was a flood of God’s mercy amidst the rain. My sincere pray is that through this difficult time that many will come to experience God and his amazing power. That through this disaster, God will reveal himself to the people of Tennessee and that they will stop and acknowledge their desperate need for a Savior.
What circumstance will God use to get your attention this week? If you will allow Him, He will use every aspect of your life to draw you closer to Him.
Leslie Stephens
Winchester, TN
Prayer: Amazing God, be with the people of this state who are experiencing devastation. Make your presence known to them and be their God. Do not let us place our material possessions on the throne of our hearts. Amen.
Prayer Tip: When praying for our nation always ask God to use the circumstances to bring people to know Him more.