Thursday, October 6, 2011

Starry Night

Starry Night

Scripture: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4

Last night as we were driving home from the funeral home after receiving friends for my husband’s Grandfather who died just before his 99th birthday and I became inspired. I looked out at the night sky and posted this to my status on Facebook, “The October plant hung low in the cool crisp night sky just above the tree line reminding me that I am small and God is big.” Funny how a trip to the funeral home will make you reflect on your status in the universe.

Clyde Ongel Stephens (November 22, 1911- October 4, 2012) was a lover of music. He fashioned 21 hand-made fiddles in his lifetime and played as long as his feeble hands would let him. There are actual tapes of him making old-time fiddle music in the Smithsonian Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. because he was one of the few in the last 50 years who could remember many of the old tunes. He raised 5 children, which spawned 9 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and 5 great-great grandchildren. His life saw almost a century of change.

The very next day innovator Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. He did not live nearly as long as Papa, but is known all around the world for his advances in technology. How do we measure the quality of life? Is one person more successful than the other? A life is a precious thing, a gift, to be shared with those around you. Both men did indeed do that. Yet one is remembered around the world and the other for the most part goes unnoticed.

I suppose there are many gauges we could use to measure success. Depending on the standard you use you could find success in both men’s lives. At the end of every life there is a legacy that continues long after they are gone. I personally always find myself reflecting on my own life at times like these when mortality is a stark reminder of how fragile life really is and I almost always come back to this place of how small my life is and how big God is.

I am amazed that a giant God would want a relationship with me and use a small insignificant life to bring change in the world. You can research me and find pretty quickly that I am no Steve Jobs. I do not have any of my work in the Smithsonian. My greatest work went to Warren County High School, Centertown Elementary School, and just came down the hall in his underwear and said good morning(he is 3 not 38). I must always be reminded that my legacy is important to them and the future of this world does depend upon me.

I am not sure why one man would leave a giant mark on society and another a pin prick mark. Yet I do know that God can use the pen prick as much as He can use the giant mark. We can all be relevant instruments in the hand of The Master Artisan. Life is valued and noteworthy no matter your age or accomplishments. I am generally not that poetic. Why would I find a small prose in the stars last night? The giant mark of a creative God no doubt.

I pray that you surrender your life no matter how significant you think it may be into the hands of God today, asking him to use you to touch the world with the love of Christ.

Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: Amazing Creator, use my hands to touch someone today with your love. Use my feet to go where you would have me to go. Use my words to bless a life today. Use my life to be an ambassador for Christ in the world where I may be. Amen.

Prayer Tip: God uses all aspects of life to speak to us, even death. Always write reflectively about your thoughts a prayers, God will speak to you in those places of change.

Picture of Papa's hands courtesy of cousin Lolita Jones.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Scripture: The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. All your works praise you, LORD; your faithful people extol you. Psalm 145:8-10

I was driving my husband's car when I went to the bank the other day. I pulled in behind a white Volvo. I grabbed the spot right next to the white car. As I gathered my things and exited the car, the college-aged driver got out of his car an immediately lashed out at me, "Think you could have parked any closer to my car? I left a nice white mark on your door for ya."

I had indeed parked too close to his car. I was quite shocked at how quickly he had remarked with such disdain. I told him that I was in my husband's car and was not used to driving it and was sorry. His mother was mortified by his behavior and came over and began to try and wipe off the white mark. I told her it was ok and that it was no big deal.

As I walked into the bank behind them I felt almost sick. I honestly had to turn and go back to my car and leave. It was not what he said, it was how he said it. There was no mercy. No compassion at all. I felt so sorrowful for all the times I had complained about people parking too close to my car. I mean in the big scheme of things it means nothing. It is certainly not life or death and worth berating someone over. For all he knew I was driving my dead husband's car for the first time since he died. (not the case) Or perhaps I had just gotten the cancer news. (not so) He had no idea what I had been through that day leading up to that moment.

Fortunately I had not had a "bad" day, but he had no way of knowing and neither could I. So many times we deal with people without any mercy. We have no compassion for what they have been through that day or in their life. We simply deal with the moment without any mercy or compassion. I am so thankful that God knows our whole story and has compassion and mercy on us always. He always pushes us toward Him in all circumstances, not growing weary of dealing with us. Let us be full of mercy and grace, just as we have received much.

Leslie Stephens

Prayer: Gracious God, I confess that I have been merciless and judgmental of others. help me to love others deeply and deal with people gently with mercy and compassion.

Prayer Tip: God gives us eyes to see sin in others, so that we can repent of those same sins. Repent before you complain about others.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Rose By Any Other Name...

Scripture: I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Like a lily among thorns is my darling among maidens.
Song of Songs 2:1-2

It is a tradition at our school that after every play, the actors and actresses receive a rose. I pressed the rose from our first play of the year in a large book of mine. I mentioned that book today in one of my classes and I remembered the rose which got me thinking.

It got me thinking about how a Christian is like a rose. There is almost an infinite range of colors that roses come in. This reminded me of how each Christian is different, we are all unique individuals created in the image of our Father. Roses are easily distinguished because they all have certain traits in common. They come in different colors but you can still tell that it is a rose. We all think and see in our own ways, but we share common beliefs, we share our goal to get to Heaven, and we share our love for one another, our Father, and His living Son.

A rose also has thorns for protection. You know that a rose has thorns and so you do not grab one by the stem and yank it out of the ground. As Christians we are protected by God, and Jesus walks with us always, to protect us from harm. As a Christian our thorns may also represent how we will defend our faith. We will never let anyone take our God given right to worship, to pray, or to praise.

The rose blossom is known for its many layers of petals. I believe this relates to the many layers of our relationship with God. We all have a complex relationship with God, each relationship is different and is very deep, and it has many layers. Everyone can see the petals on the outside of a rose, just as they can see the outside of us. But the inner layers of the rose remain hidden within. There are certain things that are between only us and God, our very most inner self. God has the ability to peel back our outer self and see our inner self, the very soul He created.

We are all God's children; we all share the ancestry of the Garden of Eden. We are all roses in the eyes of God and by any other name we would smell as sweet.

Marie Quill
Motlow Student

Prayer: O Great Gardener of my soul, give me fresh living water to drink, and prune my faith so that it flowers and displays your splendor. I want to bring glory to your name as I bloom in the name of Christ. Amen.

Prayer Tip: All of God’s creation speaks of his glory. Studying one small element of His creation can speak to you new truth about His great design for your life.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

Scripture: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

We often times say about our children, “You are just like your dad. Or she looks just like her mom.” And there is no mistaking that we inherit certain traits and qualities from our parents. I am sure that is both good and bad. Sometimes I see myself in my children and cringe! But my sister spoke to me the other day about some undesirable qualities we have in our linage and she said, “I am thankful I have a new daddy.” I can’t stop thinking about that!

All too often we succumb to thinking that we are “just that way”. We have always been this way and we can’t overcome the “way we are”. That is a lie from the pit of hell! You can overcome those things that keep you bound and downcast! You have a new daddy! You now possess the abilities and traits of your Eternal Father! Christ is your brother. It is possible to inherit His traits and qualities!

How do we begin that transformation? One thing we must do is stop getting in agreement with the lie! You are not just like whomever… You fill in the blank. Was your dad and alcoholic? Was your mom a thief? Just because they were that way does not mean that you have to travel that same course. When you accept Christ, you take on his body and his qualities. However, you do have to renew your mind. Take charge of your thoughts that say well, my sister deals with depression it is natural from me to be depressed. No, decide that you are a new creation in Christ and every time you begin to make excuses for your sinful behaviors stop buying into the thought of this is “just how I am”. You are destined for great things, but we defeat ourselves in our head.

Let me be clear I am not condemning your behaviors as sinful, but I am saying you may be bound by your thinking. Just by default if you have always been a certain way, then you may be under the influence of a lie from your enemy. Satan could be stealing your inheritance by selling you a bill of lies. I will not deny that there are certain physical dispositions that are clinically proven to be passed down through your genes, but God is bigger than that. Do not let your mind tell you that this is just the way you have to be, because it was “passed down”.

I want you to be prayerful about anything that you would classify as hereditary. Whatever it is if it is keeping you from living an abundant life of grace, then you need to seek God to renew your thinking. Sin begins in our head. Ask God to show you what lies you are buying into, so that God can show you truth and set you free. Someone out there needs this miracle! Be sure to let me know when it happens, so we can glorify our Father together! Praise His name!

Your Sister,
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: God, you are indeed our Father, we want to be just like you. Renew our minds and give us right thinking, so that we can have the abundant life Jesus bought for us on the cross. We want to act like children of the Most High God! Amen.

Prayer Tip: Seeking truth is an act we must choose to do. Take time when you pray to ask God to reveal truth to you as He sees it. When you really want to know the deal, He is faithful to show you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tsunami Warning!

Scripture: But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:25-27

I am still awe struck and horrified every time I watch the video of the giant wave that came into Japan after the earthquake last month. The Japanese had been trained that during an earthquake to go out into the street until the quake ended to avoid any building or things that might fall onto you during the quake. In some locations the Tsunami warning sounded 3 minutes after the earthquake and in some places people only had 20 minutes to prepare before the actual wave hit the coast. The warning issued encourages them to get to higher ground. Some got in their cars and drove inland in hope to escape the water and ended up caught in traffic jams instead of actually finding refuge. Either way, as I watch, I find myself asking the question that many do, what in the world would you do?

Tsunami warnings are hardly applicable in Tennessee, although we do at times experience tornado warnings and threats of flooding and other natural disasters. We try to be as safe as possible, but I am often reminded that we are all at the mercy of God. It only takes one moment of terror to change our entire world. Americans can hardly even begin to relate to the devastation from which the Japanese people are trying to recover.

Spiritually however we all have devastating events that shape our faith. It may not be a giant event like the calamity in Japan, but we have waves of emotion that can debilitate us and leave us asking, what in the world are we going to do? In John Jesus told us that he would send us a warning signal. The Holy Spirit is our Tsunami warning system. His Spirit within us sends out warning signs that we need to get to higher ground! You know exactly what I am saying. Something inside of you starts to rise, an emotion, a feeling that you know if fully embraced will leave you devastated. But we are to find peace and higher ground during those warnings.

So the next time you feel that warning in your Spirit you need to stop and move toward higher ground. Make a conscious effort to go to God in prayer or just go to a place where you can sit silently in God’s presence. Stop that conversation. Stop that way of thinking. Stop that downward spiral into that low ground. Stop what you are doing and head for higher ground, so that you can find the peace that the Holy Spirit has promised to bring us. Stop and seek God’s presence, so that your heart will not be troubled and you will not be afraid.

Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: God of all things, help me to recognize the warnings your Hoy Spirit gives to me, so that I can be free of fear. Teach me to head for your higher ground, that place of security and peace. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Sometimes you may be where you can’t pray out loud. Prayer is sometimes just sitting in the lap of Christ. You do not have to say anything, just take refuge there.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Road Kill

Scripture: Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

I was traveling along a 4-lane road today and passed not one, but two different turtles trying to cross the great expanse. I thought how risky it was, but realized that they were taking the risk without fearing death. They can do that because they are instinctually trying to find a better habitat. Turtles can not use reason like humans. They rely on God-given instinct to guide them.

There on the road I wondered from God’s perspective how much I looked like that turtle. I mean here I am trying to navigate this dangerous world. I am small and vulnerable. I will surely get squashed by the weight of my circumstances, just like the turtle will if he meets up with a truck. Yet the difference is that I can make a decision to not rely on God, the turtle cannot make that decision. He only knows how to rely on God.

Have you ever wondered why God did not take care of something in “time”? Why did God not show up in time to help me before happened… Mary and Martha wondered that same thing. (John 11) Their brother Lazarus had died. Jesus did not arrive in “time” to save him. Mary even told him that in verse 32. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” But God’s timing is not ours. If Lazarus had not died, then Jesus would not have been revealed to those people in Bethany. That is why Jesus lingered before he came to see about him, time for God is not the same as it is for us. There is no “too late” for God. Death had to happen.

In much the same way, we are dead. We are dead in our flesh by way of sin. But like zombies we walk around dead in our sin and acting like we have life. Really we are road kill. It is not until we realize that we must rely on God that we can kill our flesh, die to our sin, and be resurrected in Christ. We can’t be resurrected until we die to our flesh! Like Lazarus had to die to be resurrected, we too must die.

When the turtle starts to cross the road, he does not think of his death. He thinks of his life. In his instincts he risks death to live. The turtle is dead, whether or not he crosses the road. Without following his God-given instinct he will die. So you ask, what if he dies in the road? What does it matter, if he is already following God’s guidance?

Now I am not saying that life in not of value. I am saying that life in Christ makes life more valuable. We must die in order to live. There is a spiritual death and resurrection that takes place when we receive Christ. But we must choose to put our flesh to death daily in order to continue to let Christ live in us and be led by God. Then we can really live free from fear of dying. We can cross the road with Christ and it does not matter if we get splatted or not.

All this made me think of a scripture… Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:36-39

I came home and put new letters on the church sign. I took a picture. I have been resurrected already. Even though I may die, I then shall truly live! Hallelujah!
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: Resurrecting God, you have given me life, both physical life and eternal life. Help me to live this life without fear of death, embracing your guidance. I trust you God! Amen

Prayer Tip: Use imagery during prayer to help you internalize biblical principals. Image that you are laying down literally at the feet of Jesus, totally surrendering your life into His hands.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fresh Buds

Scripture: It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a splendid vine.’ “Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Will it thrive? Ezekiel 17:8-9

At this time of year I always find myself desperate for signs of the end of cold weather. The first signs usually come as the buttercups start to spring up. But lately after the buttercups have come and wilted I find myself desperately looking at the things I plated last year to insure me that their buds are setting on and they have endured the winter.

There is no doubt that our God looks at us with that same anticipation. He recalls the bitterness of our cold dark trial and wonders if the things he planted in us at that time will spring forth and bloom into displays of his glory or has our vine of faith withered. I personally love that we serve a God of do-overs (I know I say that all the time). He never looks on and thinks why can’t she get it? I mean, for real, she has been down this road 1000 times. Quite the contrary, he sees our potential. And says, “O Boy! That was time 1000, only 1000 more to go until she stops withering and starts blooming.”

My dad is a fickle hobbyist. Every year he takes on a new thing that requires time and energy. This year’s fixation is fruit trees. I had concerns because I know he likes to see results quickly and I reminded him that fruit trees do not always bear in the first season. Sometimes it takes them as many as 5 years to really bear a harvest. O man, that rang in my ears! How many times has God looked on in hopes that I would bear fruit and that my fruit would not be withered? Then he would once again find worthless or nonexistent fruit?

How can we insure a big harvest of good fruit? Well, we can’t. Only God’s Spirit within us bears the fruit in us. We have to keep surrendering to the work of the Spirit within us. I really think it is our unbelief and rebellion that causes the fruit of God’s Spirit to wither within us. Never neglect to get a fresh filling of that fruitful Spirit each day. And do not be discouraged by small buds. We are human and change comes slowly sometimes. God is not tired of waiting on you to be fruitful.

Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: O Great Gardener, thank you for being patient with me. I can’t be fruitful without your Spirit flowing within me. Fill me today and each day as I seek to bear the fruit of your Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Take a time of silent examination of the fruit in your life. Does it display the qualities of Gods’ Spirit? If not ask for that.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just 30 Minutes

This devotion is in loving memory of a faithful servant of The Most High God, Travis Burt. I never actually met Travis in person. He has written devotions for me as a gift of love and support. Please pray for his family in their grief. Chaplain, I pray that you are feasting on the bounty of Christ in all its fullness my friend. And I am excited that you now know the VICTORY of Christ!

Travis sent this devotion to me as a personal email on January 29th, 2011, less than 30 days before his death February 13, 2011. He had no idea that his time to share was almost up. I pray that this story inspires you to make the most of the time you have here on this earth for Christ and His Kingdom.

Just 30 Minutes...
I often pray, as you do... for opportunities to share The Hope In Christ, we ourselves have received... with both those I know, but especially with strangers. It is amazing how many opportunities of sharing Christ Jesus... I am sure I have balked on... when I restrain taking action, as He has Commanded to all His Followers, through shamefully... "reserving immediate action" by "not getting involved in other peoples' problems/business... you know what I'm saying.

We needed a few things from the grocery store, so I simply dropped Susan off right at the front of the entrance door of Sav-A-Lot store, off West Lincoln Street in Tullahoma. (Susan had asked me to stay in the car, because I often reach for things that are just too expensive for our limited amount of money to spend to "get what we want". Smile~~~! I think you know what she was saying, too. Smart woman! )

So there I sat... in for a wait... and, I don't like sitting in a car waiting to pick her up. Well, the first thing I spotted was a very elderly woman, who seemed very confused about how to get her groceries into her old 1968 Ford, Thunderbird. I mean she would lift out a bag, only to put it back in the shopping cart... she acted like so many, dare I say... senile people... we all know.

I simply exited my vehicle, carefully approached her, so as not to frighten her... and ask would she give me the privilege of assisting her in properly placing her bags of groceries in the vehicle. She advised me she was 84 years old, and probably should not be driving... that she was shopping for her next door neighbor, too, who was too sick, and older than her... to get out. She could not find her keys, to put the things in the truck, keeping the things belonging to her neighbor separated from her things, said it made it easier to handle that way, when she got home. Well, we found the keys, where she had left them, in the drivers seat of her vehicle. (She was so very embarrassed about this, I just laughed... and told her I had done things like this before, which was not true, but my words seem to give her comfort.) It was so easy to stand there, and listen to her predicaments of her great fears of losing her driver's license, as her doctor had said could happen, if she continued to keep driving. I fully understood how she felt, and which of us elderly seniors, would not? I asked if I might pray with her, and she warmly smiled, although taken back a bit back... and said, "No one has ever prayed for me in a parking lot, but PLEASE do!" I gently took her hands in mine... and prayed... watching her eyes, shed warm tears flowing down her cheeks as we prayed. Yes, I assured her... confirmed in her... Jesus Loves her... and it was by His Spirit I was moved to exit my vehicle, and draw next to her side. I advised her to give all the Glory to God... and the fact I was simply His Servant... and probably His Least One, at that. I walked back to my vehicle, thanking God for such opportunity to elevate His Name, and demonstrate His Love for us all.

Okay, I thought... mission accomplished... now I could rest, and wait on Susan. Wanna bet? The next scene that came before me was an attractive young woman, talking loudly on her cell phone... it was not difficult for me to hear, with windows rolled down on this lovely day... every word she was screaming into her cell phone. Her last words in this one sided conversation I could plainly hear, were... "I am telling you, damn it... I want to see my babies... these are my babies!!! and I'll be &^%$ @*!a, if I let you get by with this!!! She slammed off her cell phone, if one could do that, raised the phone toward the sky... and broke out in angry tears, as she shook the phone toward the sky, in great bitterness and anger.

Well, she walked directly by my vehicle driver's side, my window had remained down.. apparently to move on to reach her next destination. "Young lady... would you walk over here for a minute... I am a Chaplain.. and want but a moment of your time... to pray for you!" "What? I thought... Travis have you lost your mind... this young woman is raging mad... now what will happen here, in this very public place! What will people think? " I was shocked to see her moving toward me, and her story spilled out about what caused her rage. I simply listened to her broken heart speak... and then asked her to give me her hand, and allow me to pray with her... she did so immediately. As I prayed... I literally felt her hands become more relaxed... as her tears fell to the ground... and she thanked me profusely for being willing to pray for a stranger, in a parking lot... and reported she felt a new hope in her heart, as I also assured her God would arrange for her to see those "babies"... in His Time, not hers. I asked her name, and she said, "Angel". I simply told her she had a beautiful name, and now was the time to act like one. I thanked her for her allowing me to pray for her... and asked that she pray for me too (I gave her my "Chaplain Card")... when time would be available for her to do so. She promised she would, and squeezed my hand, before she walked away ... a gesture I understood, as ongoing gratitude, of just knowing God had not, and would not... abandon her.

Now, I sincerely desire to make this VERY PLAIN to you each. I am sending this "sharing"... and want you to realize... None of what happened in this parking lot... was any of my making... it was simply our Jesus creating moments of these of His Gifts of Opportunities to me. Most of you have experienced such things... and allow me to confess... I have not taken opportunities as I should have... many times. Yep, I have missed a bunch... by feeling this would be an awkward time and place... and being so stupidly concerned about how I might be misunderstood... or even more worse an excuse... the famous "What will people think of me... if I do this?'. Well, this year I will be seventy... somehow you get a little bolder in your words... and say, perhaps stupid things... but ya don't care, at least as much, about what people think... you begin to be more concerned about what Jesus Thinks, Amen? (And, to think... all of this took less than thirty minutes... to unfold.)

Chaplain Travis Burt
Heavenly Home (address unknown)

Prayer: Father God, please help us prioritize sharing our faith with others, so that the hope we have in Christ might make a difference before we die. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Before you begin your day ask God to make opportunities for you to share you hope with others and give you eyes to see those opportunities.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hands Free!

Scripture: Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Savior. Psalm 24:3-5

Since I had another baby I find myself without enough hands. When I go to get in the car I have to make 3 or 4 trips to get it all loaded: Diaper bag, cup, toy bag, purse, baby, jackets, ect. When I return home I always find myself unable to open the door, because I have my hands packed full of stuff.

It occurred to me as I was trying to open the door with my hands full that is how we look standing at the foot of the cross. We are so encumbered that we can’t even raise up our hands. It is only when we come to Christ and lay down those things that we are holding that we can free our hands for service and praise!

Whatever you are gripping tightly, you must lay it down at Christ’s feet, so that your hands are free to praise Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. As you come to your prayer time this week, picture yourself walking up to Christ. Begin to visualize yourself lying down your burdens. With empty hands begin to praise him for all he is going to do in those situations. He is able!

Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN

Prayer: God help us to trust you enough to empty our hands, so that we may praise and serve you better. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Imagining Christ standing before you helps make your prayer experience more tangible.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mission Possible

Scripture: I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20:23-24

This weekend Prayers For The People You love is sponsoring a 5K Sweetheart race to help raise money for a group of seniors who will travel to Brazil this spring on a mission trip. They have made the choice to go carry the gospel into a foreign land instead of taking a self-serving beach trip with their friends. I can’t imagine being mature enough in my faith to have done that at 18 years old.

I myself have never been on a mission trip. I do understand however that when we step out of our homes we enter the mission field. For many of us traveling to Brazil may never happen. However, we can partner with people as they take a leap of faith and go out to carry the gospel to foreign places. The mission of Jesus Christ is the same today as it was 2000 years ago: Offer a Life-Saving grace to a dying world. We can do that in the way we talk, walk, and live our lives every moment of every day.

You are a missionary. Wherever you are in all you do and say. Whatever race you are running, allow Jesus to run alongside you encouraging you and helping you complete the race set out before you. Look up away from your own troubles and find someone to serve. It is in service that we are most like Christ. You can find strength and encouragement in serving others. Go ye!

Leslie Stephens

McMinnville, TN

Prayer: Holy Spirit, come and give me the strength I need to run this race of life with endurance and grace. I want to see you waiting at the finish line. Amen

Prayer Tip: Always say prayers for missionaries. They risk their lives to carry the valuable gospel into the most desolate and impoverished nations of the world. They need our prayers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trash to Treasure

“They will be my people,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “On the day when I act in judgment, they will be my own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child. Malachi 3:17

I love that show American Pickers on The History Channel. If you have never watched it, it is these two antique dealers who travel all over the country in search of treasures. The things they find may not always look like great finds, but I am sometimes amazed at what they consider to be of value. These two dudes crawl into some of the gnarliest places digging through people’s “collections”. And they do it with great enthusiasm.

I wonder if maybe that is how God sees us. We pile years of sin and shame on top of what He sees is a treasure. He keeps driving by and asking if he can dig into our pile and we are not willing to let Him. If we will just open the door to the old garage of our heart, He can come in and pilfer through the dirt and grime and find that thing in us that He meant to be a treasure. He is always willing and does it with great enthusiasm.

Have you been feeling inadequate? Perhaps you feel unaccomplished. Maybe you have just been trying to find yourself under the pile. Well a simple prayer can pry open a small enough crack in the door to let God in, so that He can uncover and restore your treasure. What do you have inside that God can use to bring Him glory? There is a treasure in there.

Leslie Stephens

McMinnville, TN

Prayer: O great God, you turn our trash into great treasure! Help me to be willing to give my life to you for restoration. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Always invite God into your heart, your life, your home, your car, wherever you are praying. It is called invocation and God likes to know He is welcome.

(The picture is what is left of a burned bible I found in the rubble after my home place burned in January 2008.)