Scripture: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
We often times say about our children, “You are just like your dad. Or she looks just like her mom.” And there is no mistaking that we inherit certain traits and qualities from our parents. I am sure that is both good and bad. Sometimes I see myself in my children and cringe! But my sister spoke to me the other day about some undesirable qualities we have in our linage and she said, “I am thankful I have a new daddy.” I can’t stop thinking about that!
All too often we succumb to thinking that we are “just that way”. We have always been this way and we can’t overcome the “way we are”. That is a lie from the pit of hell! You can overcome those things that keep you bound and downcast! You have a new daddy! You now possess the abilities and traits of your Eternal Father! Christ is your brother. It is possible to inherit His traits and qualities!
How do we begin that transformation? One thing we must do is stop getting in agreement with the lie! You are not just like whomever… You fill in the blank. Was your dad and alcoholic? Was your mom a thief? Just because they were that way does not mean that you have to travel that same course. When you accept Christ, you take on his body and his qualities. However, you do have to renew your mind. Take charge of your thoughts that say well, my sister deals with depression it is natural from me to be depressed. No, decide that you are a new creation in Christ and every time you begin to make excuses for your sinful behaviors stop buying into the thought of this is “just how I am”. You are destined for great things, but we defeat ourselves in our head.
Let me be clear I am not condemning your behaviors as sinful, but I am saying you may be bound by your thinking. Just by default if you have always been a certain way, then you may be under the influence of a lie from your enemy. Satan could be stealing your inheritance by selling you a bill of lies. I will not deny that there are certain physical dispositions that are clinically proven to be passed down through your genes, but God is bigger than that. Do not let your mind tell you that this is just the way you have to be, because it was “passed down”.
I want you to be prayerful about anything that you would classify as hereditary. Whatever it is if it is keeping you from living an abundant life of grace, then you need to seek God to renew your thinking. Sin begins in our head. Ask God to show you what lies you are buying into, so that God can show you truth and set you free. Someone out there needs this miracle! Be sure to let me know when it happens, so we can glorify our Father together! Praise His name!
Your Sister,
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: God, you are indeed our Father, we want to be just like you. Renew our minds and give us right thinking, so that we can have the abundant life Jesus bought for us on the cross. We want to act like children of the Most High God! Amen.
Prayer Tip: Seeking truth is an act we must choose to do. Take time when you pray to ask God to reveal truth to you as He sees it. When you really want to know the deal, He is faithful to show you.
All too often we succumb to thinking that we are “just that way”. We have always been this way and we can’t overcome the “way we are”. That is a lie from the pit of hell! You can overcome those things that keep you bound and downcast! You have a new daddy! You now possess the abilities and traits of your Eternal Father! Christ is your brother. It is possible to inherit His traits and qualities!
How do we begin that transformation? One thing we must do is stop getting in agreement with the lie! You are not just like whomever… You fill in the blank. Was your dad and alcoholic? Was your mom a thief? Just because they were that way does not mean that you have to travel that same course. When you accept Christ, you take on his body and his qualities. However, you do have to renew your mind. Take charge of your thoughts that say well, my sister deals with depression it is natural from me to be depressed. No, decide that you are a new creation in Christ and every time you begin to make excuses for your sinful behaviors stop buying into the thought of this is “just how I am”. You are destined for great things, but we defeat ourselves in our head.
Let me be clear I am not condemning your behaviors as sinful, but I am saying you may be bound by your thinking. Just by default if you have always been a certain way, then you may be under the influence of a lie from your enemy. Satan could be stealing your inheritance by selling you a bill of lies. I will not deny that there are certain physical dispositions that are clinically proven to be passed down through your genes, but God is bigger than that. Do not let your mind tell you that this is just the way you have to be, because it was “passed down”.
I want you to be prayerful about anything that you would classify as hereditary. Whatever it is if it is keeping you from living an abundant life of grace, then you need to seek God to renew your thinking. Sin begins in our head. Ask God to show you what lies you are buying into, so that God can show you truth and set you free. Someone out there needs this miracle! Be sure to let me know when it happens, so we can glorify our Father together! Praise His name!
Your Sister,
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: God, you are indeed our Father, we want to be just like you. Renew our minds and give us right thinking, so that we can have the abundant life Jesus bought for us on the cross. We want to act like children of the Most High God! Amen.
Prayer Tip: Seeking truth is an act we must choose to do. Take time when you pray to ask God to reveal truth to you as He sees it. When you really want to know the deal, He is faithful to show you.
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