Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Far is Bethlehem From Calvary

Scripture: But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village in Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. Micah 5:2

This time of year always makes me think about Mary. Several years ago I was big pregnant and due to deliver in late January. I looked like a Christmas ball in my festive red sweater on Christmas day. I pondered then how miserable Mary must have been on that donkey. Yet we are never told of anything but her joy. Amazing how once the baby arrives you miraculously forget the misery of pregnancy.

So tonight my husband was preparing a sermon and pointed out to me that the only person we know for sure that was there the night Jesus was born and also present when he died at Calvary was Mary, the dear mother of Christ. It was only about 6 miles from Bethlehem to Calvary, but no one traveled except Mary?

Interesting, you know news travels fast and I am certain there were people there who probably knew Jesus, but there was no one that was there the night the cosmos split and God himself came into this world in a stable. There were no baby showers or visits from dignitaries. That night, the night that would change the world went mostly unnoticed. But Mary noticed. She loved him, and watched him grow. She followed his interests and his disappointments like any good mother does. She followed him all the way from Bethlehem to Calvary, which may have only been geographically 6 miles. However, it was a long way Spiritually. In Bethleham Mary delivered Jesus, but 33 years later, only 6 miles down the road, Jesus delivered Mary.

May we all have the same heart as Mary to go the whole way... "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants." Luke 1:38

Prayer: God thank you for loving us enough to send Jesus to be a man to die in my place. Amen.

Prayer Tip: try putting yourself in the place of a bible character and imagining how they feel and respond to the story that is written. This is a great way to let God speak to you during your prayer time.

Leslie Stephens
Winchester, TN

Monday, December 7, 2009

Joyful Couture

Scripture: He has sent me … to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3

In the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas the church celebrates Advent. Advent literally means coming or arrival. This celebration signifies the coming of Christ 2000 years ago. The focus of the 1st week is Hope. The Christ child brought Hope to a dying world. The 2nd week’s focus is Peace. Jesus came so that we can experience Peace. This week, the 3rd week, the focus is Joy. Our Joy is made complete in Christ. Lastly in the 4th week we celebrate the great Love of God in his sharing his Son with the world, so we are to share that Love with the world.

I was meditating on the concept of Joy. If you have ever seen anyone struggle with depression, you know that the lack of joy is a really serious struggle. It causes people to do desperate things ranging from addiction to suicide. If we could somehow bottle joy and sell it, we could make lots of money. I won’t address the fact that drug companies have tried.

However, I do not want to make light of such a serious thing as joy or the lack there of. Christ addressed one of the ways that we can find Joy in John 15, if you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my Joy may be in you and that your Joy may be complete. If we obey God’s commands, we can remain in Christ’s love and we will find complete Joy. I am sure we can trace the steps to our lack of Joy pretty easily given this road map.

So let’s assume you are in the pit of sorrow already, and you desire to be free of that depression. You must begin with repentance. Search your heart and ask God to reveal your sin to you. Where have you disobeyed God’s commands? Confess your sins, one by one, and seek true repentance. Now you have traveled to the root of your sorrow. Now ask God to give you the strength to walk uprightly before Him.

Mondays are my longest days. My feet hit the ground around 6:30 and I hardly slow down until 9 or 10pm. I do the normal daily activities plus afterschool activities and then to close out the long day I have music practice with the church band. No matter how bad of a day I have had, no matter how tired I am, when I leave music practice I feel better. I discovered this evening that I was experiencing Joy. The complete Joy of Christ. You see the day’s activities may have cloaked me in sorrow, depression, exhaustion, ect. But the praise drives out those feelings of sorrow and depression.

I believe that if you want to get out of the sorrow pit you have to praise your way out of the pit! Start your day with praise. Lift up prayerful praises. Sing songs of praise. Listen to praise and worship music. Let words of praise pass through your lips all day long. Meditate on the goodness of God. Praise is a garment. We must put it on. I pray that in these days of Advent that you will indeed clothe yourself in the garment of praise, so that Christ’s joy may be completed in you.

Prayer: Almighty God, thank you for sending Christ, so that we have hope for peace, joy, and love. Teach us how to clothe ourselves in the garment of praise. Amen.

Prayer Tip: Feeling heavy? Praise before you pray.
Leslie Stephens
Winchester, TN

Friday, December 4, 2009

Seasonal Gardening

Scripture: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Once upon a time I had a teachable moment with my children in the bath tub. The topic was the difference between good and bad fruit as Jesus taught in Matthew. We then got the list of the fruit of God’s Spirit from Galatians 5:22 (But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control.) where we find a great discription of good fruit. Here is where I realized that the kids were teaching me something…

I thought about the good fruit and assumed that bad fruit must be the opposite of the good. Therefore if the good fruit is love, then the bad fruit is hate. The kids were great at figuring out opposites. If joy is a fruit of God’s spirit, then depression is a bad fruit.

With my mind and heart turned toward the Advent Season I was pondering this week’s focus: Peace. Peace is a fruit of God’s Spirit. It is a good fruit. What is the opposite of Peace? Ouch!!! I found some rotten fruit in my basket here. I realized that turmoil, strife, unrest, worry, fear, and anxiety would all fit the bad list! O what a time to remember that the punishment that Jesus experienced is what brought us peace!

The peace that Jesus brought us came at a very high price. Yet in many cases we do not walk in the peace of Christ. If the fruit we display is not good fruit, then we must not be walking in the Spirit of Christ. Can we just decide to be peaceful? I think if it were that easy then everyone would be doing it.

The peace of Advent is a renewing of our mind. We must first be aware that we are not experiencing the peace of Christ before we can ever hope to put on that peace. Much like peace was a gift Jesus brought to us, recognizing our bad fruit is a gift from God. We must seek truth in order to find truth. We must seek Christ in order to find fellowship with Him. We must seek peace… Get the picture?

I pray that this Christmas you will indeed find the peace of Christ which WAY surpasses the peace that gifts, charity, and time off from work can give you. May you have a renewed mind with much more that visions of sugar plumbs and may you find the fruit of God’s Spirit in the stocking of your heart. Let the Prince of Peace rule in your lives now and always.

Prayer: Great and awesome God, help us unwrap your gift of peace this Christmas, so that the reality of Jesus can be made evident to someone who has not experienced the peace of Christ. Amen

Prayer Tip: Examining the fruit in your life during quiet times of prayer and meditation can allow God to expose your sin and the roots that bear bad fruit.

Leslie Stephens
Winchester, TN

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Scripture: You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:3

Do we need to be concerned with what people think of us? That is a tough question and I guess it somewhat depends on the situation. Overall I think it is safe to say that although we may not be concerned, we are very aware that people are watching us. As Christians, people are really wondering if our faith makes us different. They tune in every day to check and see.

A few years back a couple very dear to me went through a difficult divorce after 38 years of marriage. The tragedy was horrific and noticed by many in our small town. I had many people comment about the shock they felt when they heard the news. I had one man even say to me that when he found out they were not going to make it, he himself had no hope of ever staying married. It breaks my heart to now note that he was right. Sadly his marriage is ending in divorce as well.

Should we care what people think of our marriage? Absolutely! A grounded Christ-centered marriage is a testament to God’s power and faithfulness. You can bet that people are looking to see what you have to say about your spouse. Are you building them up or tearing them down? You can lay money on the fact that somebody has noticed whether or not you hold the door for your partner. Do you? Somebody has noticed that you are more concerned with yourself than with your spouse.

God intended marriage to be a glimpse of how He feels about us, His bride. So be very aware that people are watching you to see if your marriage is any different than the next one. When we keep faith and display God’s character in our marriage, God himself is glorified and it gives others hope. Hope that through Christ all things are possible, even staying married. Your testimony is a letter that God is writing both for you and about you, it helps encourage others that if you can do it through Christ, they can too.

Prayer: O great Bridegroom, continue to prepare us for the day when you will come to bring us home with you. Let us be ever aware that our lives are a living testament for others to read. Help us to live them in victory! Amen

Prayer Tip: Never exit a prayer time without praying for your spouse.

Leslie Stephens

Friday, September 18, 2009


Scripture: In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16

Here on the farm in southern middle Tennessee we have an amazingly beautiful thing that happens right at dusk every evening in June. The fields surrounding the house begin to twinkle and flash with the lights from a million fireflies. It is a flashing fog of bugs and right at dark it is quite a light show.

My 9-year-old son had a buddy sleep over recently and they wanted to go out to capture fireflies. It had been a while since I heard that request. It is not something we do every night, but it is a fun thing to do when you are a child. We found a jar and punched holes in the top so they could breathe after being taken captive.

After about an hour they came inside tired and sweaty. How many did you get I asked? A bunch I was told, but they had let them all go despite the efforts for a breathable fortress. When I asked why, I was told they were prettier in the air. Ah, just the type of line to make me look for God.

I went to do a little research on the lightening bug. As it turns out the flashing is more about mating than I had realized. The female bugs land on a limb or elevated location, then they proceed to flash their light to get the attention of a male. If they are not interested in the males that are responding, they stop flashing.

Well how interesting is that? First of all let me point out that it must be dark to enjoy the glowing bugs. Secondly the light has a purpose; it gives direction and is a form of communication between two bugs.

We too hold within us the ability to light up. We possess the light of Christ. We are indeed surrounded by darkness and I am suggesting that our light is more visible in dark times. Our light not only provides direction to those in darkness, it also communicates to others who bear the same light. The light says, here I am; here is Christ. It beckons a response from the others possessing the light. Our light offers encouragement to those who need to see the light of Christ within us. Are you glowing?

Prayer: God of Light, shine on me and fill me with an internal glow that permeates to the outside. I want to be a light in the darkness of this world. Amen!

Prayer Tip: Always ask for a fresh filling of the light of Christ. Ask God to let light shine into any darkness in your heart. We must replace darkness with light to take away any areas in which our enemy can operate.

Glowing in grace with you,
Leslie Stephens