Scripture: In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16
Here on the farm in southern middle Tennessee we have an amazingly beautiful thing that happens right at dusk every evening in June. The fields surrounding the house begin to twinkle and flash with the lights from a million fireflies. It is a flashing fog of bugs and right at dark it is quite a light show.
My 9-year-old son had a buddy sleep over recently and they wanted to go out to capture fireflies. It had been a while since I heard that request. It is not something we do every night, but it is a fun thing to do when you are a child. We found a jar and punched holes in the top so they could breathe after being taken captive.
After about an hour they came inside tired and sweaty. How many did you get I asked? A bunch I was told, but they had let them all go despite the efforts for a breathable fortress. When I asked why, I was told they were prettier in the air. Ah, just the type of line to make me look for God.
I went to do a little research on the lightening bug. As it turns out the flashing is more about mating than I had realized. The female bugs land on a limb or elevated location, then they proceed to flash their light to get the attention of a male. If they are not interested in the males that are responding, they stop flashing.
Well how interesting is that? First of all let me point out that it must be dark to enjoy the glowing bugs. Secondly the light has a purpose; it gives direction and is a form of communication between two bugs.
We too hold within us the ability to light up. We possess the light of Christ. We are indeed surrounded by darkness and I am suggesting that our light is more visible in dark times. Our light not only provides direction to those in darkness, it also communicates to others who bear the same light. The light says, here I am; here is Christ. It beckons a response from the others possessing the light. Our light offers encouragement to those who need to see the light of Christ within us. Are you glowing?
Prayer: God of Light, shine on me and fill me with an internal glow that permeates to the outside. I want to be a light in the darkness of this world. Amen!
Prayer Tip: Always ask for a fresh filling of the light of Christ. Ask God to let light shine into any darkness in your heart. We must replace darkness with light to take away any areas in which our enemy can operate.
Glowing in grace with you,
Leslie Stephens
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