Saturday, October 3, 2009


Scripture: You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:3

Do we need to be concerned with what people think of us? That is a tough question and I guess it somewhat depends on the situation. Overall I think it is safe to say that although we may not be concerned, we are very aware that people are watching us. As Christians, people are really wondering if our faith makes us different. They tune in every day to check and see.

A few years back a couple very dear to me went through a difficult divorce after 38 years of marriage. The tragedy was horrific and noticed by many in our small town. I had many people comment about the shock they felt when they heard the news. I had one man even say to me that when he found out they were not going to make it, he himself had no hope of ever staying married. It breaks my heart to now note that he was right. Sadly his marriage is ending in divorce as well.

Should we care what people think of our marriage? Absolutely! A grounded Christ-centered marriage is a testament to God’s power and faithfulness. You can bet that people are looking to see what you have to say about your spouse. Are you building them up or tearing them down? You can lay money on the fact that somebody has noticed whether or not you hold the door for your partner. Do you? Somebody has noticed that you are more concerned with yourself than with your spouse.

God intended marriage to be a glimpse of how He feels about us, His bride. So be very aware that people are watching you to see if your marriage is any different than the next one. When we keep faith and display God’s character in our marriage, God himself is glorified and it gives others hope. Hope that through Christ all things are possible, even staying married. Your testimony is a letter that God is writing both for you and about you, it helps encourage others that if you can do it through Christ, they can too.

Prayer: O great Bridegroom, continue to prepare us for the day when you will come to bring us home with you. Let us be ever aware that our lives are a living testament for others to read. Help us to live them in victory! Amen

Prayer Tip: Never exit a prayer time without praying for your spouse.

Leslie Stephens

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