Scripture: It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a splendid vine.’ “Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Will it thrive? Ezekiel 17:8-9
At this time of year I always find myself desperate for signs of the end of cold weather. The first signs usually come as the buttercups start to spring up. But lately after the buttercups have come and wilted I find myself desperately looking at the things I plated last year to insure me that their buds are setting on and they have endured the winter.
There is no doubt that our God looks at us with that same anticipation. He recalls the bitterness of our cold dark trial and wonders if the things he planted in us at that time will spring forth and bloom into displays of his glory or has our vine of faith withered. I personally love that we serve a God of do-overs (I know I say that all the time). He never looks on and thinks why can’t she get it? I mean, for real, she has been down this road 1000 times. Quite the contrary, he sees our potential. And says, “O Boy! That was time 1000, only 1000 more to go until she stops withering and starts blooming.”
My dad is a fickle hobbyist. Every year he takes on a new thing that requires time and energy. This year’s fixation is fruit trees. I had concerns because I know he likes to see results quickly and I reminded him that fruit trees do not always bear in the first season. Sometimes it takes them as many as 5 years to really bear a harvest. O man, that rang in my ears! How many times has God looked on in hopes that I would bear fruit and that my fruit would not be withered? Then he would once again find worthless or nonexistent fruit?
How can we insure a big harvest of good fruit? Well, we can’t. Only God’s Spirit within us bears the fruit in us. We have to keep surrendering to the work of the Spirit within us. I really think it is our unbelief and rebellion that causes the fruit of God’s Spirit to wither within us. Never neglect to get a fresh filling of that fruitful Spirit each day. And do not be discouraged by small buds. We are human and change comes slowly sometimes. God is not tired of waiting on you to be fruitful.
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: O Great Gardener, thank you for being patient with me. I can’t be fruitful without your Spirit flowing within me. Fill me today and each day as I seek to bear the fruit of your Spirit. Amen.
Prayer Tip: Take a time of silent examination of the fruit in your life. Does it display the qualities of Gods’ Spirit? If not ask for that.
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