Scripture: Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10
My daughter is about to be married on July 3rd. The rehearsal dinner will be held at our home with a BBQ and fireworks to include about 100 guests! As you can imagine this is a very busy time for our family. There has been quite a long ‘to do’ list at our house since early spring in order to get our outdoor spaces in proper condition for such a celebration. I asked my husband to forego the planting of a garden this year because I felt there would not be ample time to keep it weeded and to do the usual harvesting and preserving of our bounty. So, of course, my husband planted, not one, but two gardens.
My husband has a job where he often works out of town all week and is home only on weekends, which makes that ‘to do’ list even more daunting. This morning I trudged out to the garden at 7am to pick the beans which he had been unable to get picked over the weekend. It was already a muggy 82 degrees at that early hour as I began to pick on the 1st row. As I went along, I found some very large beans at the base of the plants which were obviously missed in the first picking performed by my 14 year old son. Those kind of beans are tough, so I just tossed them over the fence. As I progressed down the row, I scooted my stool along and from time to time I would glance back at the area I had just picked and find a few more beans I had missed on the first pass. I, then, understood how my son could have missed those beans I found when I started picking. It doesn’t seem to matter how thorough one might try to be, there are always those few things that just get overlooked until you look back and realize it was there all along. I was amazed how many times I thought I had cleaned an area out of all the ripe beans, only to lift up another vine and find a massive bunch hidden among the leaves. It took a determination to search and search, and then search again.
As I was observing these things about the obscurity of beans on a bean stalk, it made me think about all the times in life that I’ve thought I understood a matter fully, only to find in hindsight that I really was missing a lot of important information which would have brought me to a greater understanding. Looking back is a very important tool for learning. Hindsight is, indeed, 20/20! Take the time today to reflect over some situations from your past and be honest with yourself about what you find. It could very well reveal some hidden things which would greatly improve your harvest for the future!
Dian Burch
Loudon, TN
Prayer: Almighty God, thank you for planting good seed in our heart. Help us to always be reflective to see what you have done, and to find all the hidden things growing on our vine of faith. Amen!
Prayer Tip: Take a silent time of reflection during your prayer time and allow God to speak to you about things that may have been hidden during your busy day.