Scripture: The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. All your works praise you, LORD; your faithful people extol you. Psalm 145:8-10
I was driving my husband's car when I went to the bank the other day. I pulled in behind a white Volvo. I grabbed the spot right next to the white car. As I gathered my things and exited the car, the college-aged driver got out of his car an immediately lashed out at me, "Think you could have parked any closer to my car? I left a nice white mark on your door for ya."
I had indeed parked too close to his car. I was quite shocked at how quickly he had remarked with such disdain. I told him that I was in my husband's car and was not used to driving it and was sorry. His mother was mortified by his behavior and came over and began to try and wipe off the white mark. I told her it was ok and that it was no big deal.
As I walked into the bank behind them I felt almost sick. I honestly had to turn and go back to my car and leave. It was not what he said, it was how he said it. There was no mercy. No compassion at all. I felt so sorrowful for all the times I had complained about people parking too close to my car. I mean in the big scheme of things it means nothing. It is certainly not life or death and worth berating someone over. For all he knew I was driving my dead husband's car for the first time since he died. (not the case) Or perhaps I had just gotten the cancer news. (not so) He had no idea what I had been through that day leading up to that moment.
Fortunately I had not had a "bad" day, but he had no way of knowing and neither could I. So many times we deal with people without any mercy. We have no compassion for what they have been through that day or in their life. We simply deal with the moment without any mercy or compassion. I am so thankful that God knows our whole story and has compassion and mercy on us always. He always pushes us toward Him in all circumstances, not growing weary of dealing with us. Let us be full of mercy and grace, just as we have received much.
Leslie Stephens
Prayer: Gracious God, I confess that I have been merciless and judgmental of others. help me to love others deeply and deal with people gently with mercy and compassion.
Prayer Tip: God gives us eyes to see sin in others, so that we can repent of those same sins. Repent before you complain about others.