Holy Week always brings me to a place of self-examination. I like to reflect on the sacrifice Christ made for me personally. Also Easter kind of spot lights the characters for me. I try to put myself in the place of one of them and look at my own life in relation to theirs. How did they behave? How am I behaving?
Peter is an obvious choice. He is the beloved disciple. He is the one that Christ is said to have loved the greatest. He is a passionate dude. He got to walk on water. He cut off the guy’s ear in the garden when Jesus was arrested. He is also the one highlighted as the ultimate coward. He denied Christ not once, not twice, but three times in less than 12 hours!
I have looked at him closely on more than one occasion. I have wondered how someone could walk down the dusty roads of Jerusalem with Jesus and see with his own eyes the miracles, then be so afraid that he could be left powerless enough to deny ever knowing Christ.
This week as I asked these questions and looked closely at Peter’s life, I went to the bank to make a deposit. As I started to pull away from the window the kind clerk told me she had written my balance on the envelope. After the deposit, I still had a negative balance! O gosh! I had obviously miscalculated. I panicked! I did not have time to rush home and find the grave error, but I had kept out some cash to get me through the week. I gave her back the cash in hopes to get it all straightened out soon.
As I drove away from the bank I was so frustrated with the constant strain of everyday life that I began to cry. I started asking myself questions: How will I get this problem solved? When I do, will it just come up again? Do I need to change my plans and just go get a “real” job? I felt hopeless and afraid for my future. I called my husband and flew into him like he could solve the crisis with the wave of his hand.
Almost immediately I realized that I had reacted just like Peter. In the face of crisis I had gotten afraid. I had denied the power of God and lost hope for my future. Believe me, I have done that more than three times over my finances alone. I should be different standing on the other end 2000 years later. I know Jesus rose from the dead, Peter did not, yet I still responded the same way. I was afraid, frustrated, and hopeless. How many more times have I denied the power of God at work in my life? Way more than Peter, no doubt.
Leslie Stephens
Winchester, TN
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for dying for my sin of unbelief even before I had the chance to let you down. Help me overcome my unbelief. Amen
Prayer Tip: Pick any bible character and repent for the sins you find them committing during your prayer time. We are all guilty of most every sin.
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