Our journey through the Advent Season can never be complete without examining the shepherds who heard about Jesus’ birth from a multitude of angles. First, try to imagine what that might be like… If we were out in a field maybe star gazing or perhaps trying to finish up a job and it had gotten dark, how we would feel if all of a sudden we see an angel with the glory of The Lord shining on them. Can you imagine how scary that would be?
Then I think, wow I sure am glad somebody else saw that, because if I was by myself I am certain I would think I had lost my mind. Either way I would have to go into town and search for a baby lying in a manger. Of course the burning question for me is, would I then believe it or would I write it off as some sort of coincidence?
The very sad fact is that most people do experience a “God-incidence” that they write off as a coincidence. It may not be angles singing in the sky, but it is perhaps a bad car wreck that they walk away from or a cancer they beat. They might at first acknowledge God is a real Savior, but then the shining glory wears off and they soon walk away from the manger looking beyond God in all other areas of their life.
We all tend to forget the mystery and wonder of God in our lives when life goes on normally and without calamity. It takes something miraculous to bring our focus back to the amazing qualities of God. I love that God is willing to do amazing signs and wonders to get our attention. But I fear we overlook him unless he is waving his arms and sending bright lights to speak to us.
You may not have seen an angel this week. You may not have experienced God in an amazing way. However, He is there with all the power and mystery of the virgin birth. God can only be overlooked if we are too busy looking at everything else. We must pause and rejoice in the quiet still moments as well as the miraculous dramatic moments of our lives acknowledging that God is God and worthy to be noticed.
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: God of wonder, you have not changed. You are still as mysterious and amazing as you were the day Christ was born. Show us how to rejoice in the midst of our everyday lives. We want to experience the power and wonder of your son, Jesus, today and every day. Amen.
Prayer Tip: Looking for God is the only way we will learn how to recognize him. Ask God to show himself to you.
I loved this and I love my Lukie's picture. Tell him I love Jesus, too!