Sunday, November 5, 2017

Narrow Paths

Scripture:  13 “Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the multitudes who choose its easy way. 14 But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.  Matthew 7:13-14

We drove the 4x4 truck slowly out Lands End Road along the 10,000 foot Grand Mesa in Colorado.  It was a 15 mile dirt road that was only open from Memorial Day until October.  It was covered in potholes holding water from an earlier rain that reflected the moving clouds overhead.  The map said there was a cow camp up ahead, but we traveled at less than 20 mph along the gravel road and miles passed slowly. 

A trail crossed the road at the cow camp and lead out toward the bluff according to the map.  Even at our slow pace, I still could not identify a trail.  There were small cabins off the road and a parking area, so we stopped to scope out the kiosk.  It wasn’t until we got out of the truck that I realized the trail was concealed by head-high wildflowers.  We trekked out toward the bluff and after a while we realized there were signposts marking the trail.  These posts were only barely visible when the trail would rise.  I am short and I was somewhat bewildered as we wandered through the field of flowers hoping to find a bluff view.

It was months later when I was remembering the beauty of that far-away place that I realized my fast pace was causing me to miss lots of beautiful things.  My faith path was paralleling the Interstate instead of Lands End Road.  I was moving so quickly from place to place without ever slowing down to even a 20 mph pace that I was certain I had missed the hidden path.  Even if I slowed down I could not see it.  The hidden path isn’t visible unless you stop and deliberately look to find it. 

I feel certain that only a remnant of Americans have ever visited the Grand Mesa and even fewer have driven out Lands End Road; even less still have stopped at the cow camp to discover Deep Creek Trail 709.  We could have easily missed the wildflower covered ridge-line that gave views of the valley 10,000 feet below.  I can only image how different that same landscape looks in December.

Faith is no different.  We must be brave and seek the less traveled paths to find unique beauty.  There are things we miss if we stay on the safety of paved paths.  There are even more things we miss if we stay in the safety of our trucks moving slowly on the less traveled paths.  It is only when we stop, and examine the paths carefully that we find that narrow way that leads to life eternal.

The busy highways of life are far more dangerous than the 20 mph dirt path.  Reflect and decide when was the last time you found a hidden path and risked what might lie out beyond where you could see?  That is where you will find faith.  That is the narrow path.

Prayer:  God give us presence of mind to stop and seek the narrow path that leads to life.  Give us courage to travel what may appear to be a dangerous narrow path.  And give us the Holy Spirit to guide us as we travel this path of faith.  Amen.

Prayer Tip:  Sit in silence in an unfamiliar place and ask God to show you new things.  Rarely do we sit silently in this noisy world.

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