Sunday, December 5, 2021


Scripture:  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  Hebrews 10:23

Anytime I find myself faced with difficulty people have assured me to "hold on."  Hold on to what exactly I began to query myself?  To faith?  To love?  To hope? Hold onto loved ones?  Hold on...  Sounds easy enough.  I know you likely know the song "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand."  That is one of my favorites!

Today I realized that in order to be successful at anything you need realistic expectations.  You need goals and a plan.  Then as I was listening to music the vision in the picture  came from the words of Andy Grammer, 

"And I will hold

I'll hold onto you

No matter what this world'll throw

It won't shake me lose."

We are not holding out hope for a better day, a good diagnosis, more money, a better job, or you just fill in your blank.  No we are holding onto God, like a bronc rider.  God is fierce and wild and not easily tamed!  It is God to which we cling despite how crazy the ride gets.  Nothing else is as thrilling or endearing as the one who created us and built the arena in which we ride!

So today as you read this, picture yourself in the chute.  God is prancing and snorting.  You are aware of the danger.  You can sense the need for a helmet.  You are very cognizant of the gloves, the vest, the adrenaline.  You tighten your grip.  You breathe in deep and calm your nerve.  You nod your head and the gate comes flying open!  Yeehaw!

Hold on tight to God!

Leslie Stephens

Winchester, TN

Prayer:  Amazing God, we embrace your fierce and wild nature.  We confess we try to control our crazy lives and that when we do, we aren't trusting you.  Forgive us and help us to overcome our unbelief.  Amen.

Prayer Tip:  Seek to find the thrilling side of God.  

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