Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21
Another school year is closing in on us as we come to the end of the summer. However, it seems like the summer ends too quickly. And really it does end much sooner than it did for me as a child. I can remember when school did not start back until after Labor Day, funny how things change. That is the thing that I have been pondering most in the last few weeks. Change is always something that we know will happen, yet when things change it can be overwhelming.
If 5 years ago you had told me that the only house I ever knew growing up would burn to the ground, that I would loose my mother to cancer, that the family furniture store of 40 years would be closing, that we would have a new baby, that my husband would begin seminary and go into full-time ministry, and that we would be moving to Warren County, I would have probably said no how, no way! All that information 5 years ago would have been way too much change. I am learning that I am on a need to know basis with God. If I had known all the pain and sorrow that all this change would bring, I might have missed the joy and excitement for fear of the change. As difficult as all this change has been, it has brought so much joy and peace to our lives.
God’s plans are not ours. We can’t see the big picture and even if we could our understanding is so much smaller than God’s that we probably still could not agree with all that God decides is best for us. I am thankful that God is sovereign and that we can trust in His plan not only for our life, but also for everyone who loves Him and is called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) I am not sure how I could have handled any of the changes in my life had it not been for knowing that truth.
So let’s just go ahead and decide that this week is going to bring change. Some change will be good and some not so good, but all change will be part of God’s plan for us. The next thing we need to decide is that we will praise Him no matter what. No matter what change comes, no matter how we perceive that change, we will praise Him for He is God, and worthy of our praise. No change will ever change that.
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: O great and sovereign God, your ways are higher than my ways, and I want to trust you no matter what comes my way this week. Amen!
Prayer Tip: Remind yourself of who God is and who you are in Christ every time you pray. Perspective will be a great source of encouragement for you.
Change is difficult and stressful when your present circumstances are comfortable and reasonably tolerable. We fear letting go of what we have in doubt that it could actually change for the better, but when your present circumstances are miserable, and God delays...and delays...and delays...and delays...and everyday seems like groundhog day...then the more difficult thing becomes a lack of change. These are my present circumstances. Everyday is the same and I long for a change! Yet, I'm afraid to complain for fear that I will get the change and then it will be more miserable than the present misery! Oftimes I think that God wants me to learn..."in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Wouldn't that be the key to handling change or monotony?