Scripture: When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Luke 19:37-40
I love adventures. Anytime you go anywhere with 4 guys, it is always an adventure. My family recently had the pleasure of going to a local attraction called Cumberland Caverns. It is 32 miles of underground cave passageways and caverns. I am only brave enough to go where the electricity runs and the faint of heart tours take you. But that was enough to totally convince me that nothing is impossible for God!
Down under the earth about 400 feet we saw amazing rock formations and interesting sights some of which where breath-taking. They have a light show that tells the creation story and really brings out the marvel in your surrounding landscape. While watching the light show and listening to the creations story I was struck with total amazement of how big God really is. He left no detail to chance. Even the depths of the earth hold his glory. Without a doubt these rocks do indeed cry out and speak volumes about the glory of our great and powerful God!
So the question I raise is why do I fret and concern myself over the details of my life? I mean if God can swirl water underground to form caverns that hold life and support an entire ecosystem, He can surely manage the small details of my life.
I have some people in my life right now who are enduring some very difficult circumstances. These circumstances at times overwhelm me, so I know that they are feeling hopeless. However, I was so encouraged when I realized how much care God took with this cave. It took him thousands of years to form it in its entire splendor, yet He did not stop. In fact, He is still forming it! Hallelujah! God will not stop fashioning our lives to bring about His glory. Everything that we endure is only one more opportunity for us to direct our and other people’s attention to the author and giver of life.
Try and find something in nature that is not a marvel: the butterfly, the frog, the dessert, the mountains, the galaxy, a cave… The list goes on forever. If God cares for these things with such detail, He has not overlooked your life today.
Leslie Stephens
McMinnville, TN
Prayer: God of Creation, teach me to trust in your ability to make my life a living testament to your goodness. Amen.
Prayer Tip: When you are feeling discouraged meditate outside somewhere. God’s creation cries out to proclaim his power and might. You will not be disappointed in the encouragement you find there.
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